Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cambridge Life 8/27/08 Cambridge Life 8/27/08

Photos by John Carlson and June Mohan

The Washington County Fair has ended for another year, racing season is almost over, and school is getting ready to start. All this signals that the end of summer is just around the corner. But don't despair because with summer's end comes autum's beginning. My sugar maples are already turning bright orange and red. I've been raking leaves and getting the garden ready for winter. Last Sunday I attended the closing performance of Cosi fan Tutti at Hubbrd Hall. Now I'm no opera buff, usually can't stay awake through the first act, but this was different. First of all, you get to see the singers close-up. And they could act! It was just wonderful to see a 130+ year old opera house back in action. Hats off to Benji and the entire Opera Company. I hear they are planning on more shows so be sure and check the Hubbard Hall website for future events.

If you're looking for something to do this weekend, check out the Croquet (crow-Kay) tournament at the Rice Mansion Inn. Here are the details:

A fun benefit for the Village of Cambridge Beautification

On the lawn at VARAK Park

Sunday, August 31 beginning at 2:00 p.m.

Using the United States Croquet Association special edition of the Rules of 9-Wicket Croquet

Tournament Teams of 4 may enter or we can create a foursome

All players are encouraged to wear WHITE

2:00 p.m. Refreshing Registration
2:30 p.m. First games begin

Grand Champion Playoff front Lawn of Rice Mansion Inn

Sweets and spectator viewing from front porch

$40 per team or $10 per person

Includes welcome glass of champagne or lemonade, tasty treats and sweets
Prizes for winning team, best hat, best mallet, and best team name

Register at or 677-5741

The Cambridge Hotel will be open for dinner.

Don’t forget the Cambridge Farmers’ Market 10a-2p

Have a great week!


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