Friday, February 23, 2007

Photographer's Log Photographer's Log


February 2006-I was out chasing the snowstorm which had just started. This road has no name for me although I travel it constantly. I really like this road, enjoying all there is to see on it. I guess I’m so engrossed in what I see that I’ve never noticed a road sign or even a county road sign in time to identify it properly. I just call it “Belle Road #2" because it intersects Belle Road at the Trinkle home, goes all the way down to intersect with Morris Road at one end and lets out at Center Cambridge Road at the other end.

This particular shot was taken near Riding Right on Route 59 in Buskirk/South Cambridge. For years now I have chosen distinctive landscapes that I could manipulate with my computer creating a sense of traveling “into” the photograph. This photo was perfect for this treatment. All of the gentle lights and shadows, the delicate traceries of the unclad branches of trees and bushes, even the gentle tread marks in the light snow covering the road lend a sense of the peace and solitude I usually feel when I am out shooting our valley areas in snow storms. I developed this picture-frame technique back in 2002 or 2003 trying to bring into my presented work the sense of picture perfect intimacy that I experience in my photo-graphic travels here.
-June Mohan
Photos: (Copyright Mohan 2006) To contact the artist, please send email to:


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