Top 10 Reasons to Vote
Top 10 Reasons to Vote
Tuesday, May 15, 2006 is voting day for the Cambridge Valley Central School budget.
Before I became a homeowner, I never really paid much attention to the school budget vote. I didn't pay any property taxes as a renter and I didn't have any children in school, so why should I take the time to worry about school budgets?
I now know that the school budget does effect every member of the community: homeowners (who bears the brunt of budget costs), renters (who will probably see their rent go up as their landlords' property taxes increase), childless adults and parents of school age children (like they say...It takes a Village!), our senior citizens and every member of the community. If you are happy with the school budget, vote for it. If you don't like the way the school is handling our money, let them know that too, vote against. How you vote is up to you, just remember it's your responsibility...
For those considering whether to expend the energy it takes to go to the polls, we commend to you the Monroe County Education Coalition’s “Top Ten Reasons to Vote on May 15”:
10. Because you can:
In many nations of the world, and in most states of our union, citizens do not have the right to vote on the spending plans developed by their school districts.
9. Because you should:
Since all of us have the right and responsibility to vote on our district budgets, you too are accountable for exercising your civic duty.
8. Because others will:
There are some folks in every school district who vote for reasons other than our own reasons. By not voting, we allow their side to win.
7. Because you set an example:
The students we serve notice whether or not the adults in their lives exercise their civic responsibilities. We set an example whether or not we vote.
6. Because you show respect for what educators do:
Working with all the students that show up is a very difficult challenge. By taking the time to vote, you acknowledge this challenge.
5. Because this is when you help select your school board members:
Your school board members are elected concurrently with the budget vote. School boards set policy and goals for your district and select your district’s superintendent. They represent your educational interests.
4. Because you control public education:
You get to decide each year on the quantity and quality of educational programs and services provided in your community.
3. Because your response is needed:
Your school board has developed a spending plan based on input from district employees and community members of budget advisory committees. These folks spent hundreds of hours considering options and making spending decisions for your consideration. Respond by voting.
2. Because public education matters:
Our public schools educate by far the greatest number of our next generation—those to whom we will be turning over the reins of government and business, and those who will be caring for our generation as we get older.
1. Because your community and its children depend on you:
The folk wisdom that “it takes a whole community to raise a child” fits here. You share the responsibility to see that all children are educated. While you may not be actually involved with what occurs in classrooms, you can make your opinion known on what happens there by voting.
Top 10 List taken from NYS School Board Association web site.
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