Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cambridge Life Cambridge Life

I know what you all are thinking, what can happen in a small rural village in a week? This past week I went looking for close-out sales of outdoor deck furniture. First I went up to Granville to the Telescope factory. Their products are lovely, but even at close-out prices a bit too dear for me. Next I drove over to Manchester, VT. What a mistake! Being Columbus Day weekend, everyone who could get out-of-town decided to go to the outlets-- crowded doesn't begin to describe the volume of shoppers. On Sunday I headed over to the Wilton Mall area. I figured I could check out all the major "box" stores and Sears, but they have jumped from summer right into Christmas. Forget Halloween and Thanksgiving, the tree decorations and lawn orniments were shelved and ready for purchase. Gives new meaning to rushing the seasons. Needless to say, I never found any deck furniture.

The rest of the week is quickly evaporating into the upcoming weekend. Things to think about:

Sat. & Sun. there will be a Village-wide tag sale all weekend long.

Remember to get your raking and twig debris out for Village pick-up, which is just around the corner.

Sunday, October 14th, will be the last chance to stock up on fresh from the farm produce or pick-up a great Christmas present from one of the many craft vendors at the Cambridge Farmers' Market.

I'm also looking for some good advice on prepping for winter. If you have suggestions on how best to winterize your home, car, garden, tools. etc... please email Debra Pearlman or post a comment to this blog. I'll share your advice and probably make use of it as well.

Have a great week Cambridge!


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