Saturday, April 01, 2006

Cambridge, NY Life #4 Cambridge, NY Life #4

Spring peeked it's head up this past week. Town was a buzz with the sound of folks cleaning up yards, trimming trees and enjoying the official end of winter. Of course, around here winter can make one last statement in April.

I know that spring is here because my two cats, BW and Magillacutty, started bringing me "presents," people are walking, not driving, to the post office and bank, and the sidewalks are filling up with winter's debris. The Village will come by and pick-up piles of sticks, tree limbs, and leaves, but they need to be along the edge of the road. You never know when the truck is coming to your street so getting things raked and cleaned is something you want to get done soon. Now that my studio is not above Bean Heads, I have more time to look out on my lawn and realize the necessity of the clean-up. As some of my 100 spring bloomers begin to poke out of the soil, I feel good about last fall's work and excited about this spring's landscaping. Like everyone in this neck of the wood, it's time to get out the wheel barrow, clean off the rakes and hoes, and buy a new pair of garden gloves. Spring cleaning is about to begin!


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