Artist Profile- Nancy Bariluk-Smith
Artist Profile- Nancy Bariluk-Smith

I was inspired at a young age by my brother, who was an amazing musician and pianist and knew at a deep level what made him tick, what was at his core. I wanted that, I longed for that.
Being exposed to fiber while traveling in New Zealand gave me that sense of self and sparked in me an inner fire. Fiber began to speak through my hands. Ideas started coming to me in the form of figures, faces, and people; all kinds of images wanted to be set free onto the wool. There is a comical side to my work, things that make one smile. I often make 3-D characters and have been commission to do likenesses of loved ones, immortalize in fiber, forever having fun and laughing back at their beloved.
Oh sure I can get serious...abstract, real. That is the nature of felting, it can go in any direction… and my life has been going in amazing directions all for the love of fiber.
My work can be seen at Chasing Silver in Cambridge, NY, at area art shows, on the web at, or by contacting me directly at